Warm wishes!

December 24, 2010

To all my fellow collectors!

Wishing you all a safe and fun filled Christmas!

Cheers to you!


Help fight hunger with HRC and Facebook

December 9, 2010

Hey – do you use your BlackBerry or iPhone or Android phone to connect everyone to what you’re doing, every second of every day… through Facebook?  Well, even if you don’t account for every second, here’s a way to use Facebook updates to donate to charity.

While you’re out eating or shopping at a Hard Rock Cafe, pick up your mobile and open your Facebook app.  Now, go to Places and “Check In” to the cafe you’re visiting (so everyone also knows how cool you are!) and by doing so, Hard Rock Cafe will donate $1 to WhyHunger for each check-in.  That’s all it takes!

So help HRC support a great charity while you’re out and about this busy month.  Charity drive runs until December 31, 2010 so you have lots of time to help out this cause!

For more information, check out the HRC News Blog:


